이름(Name) : 한충우 (Choongwoo Han)
KAIST SoftWare Testing & Verification (SWTV) Group (2015 ~)
CodeRed(2013 ~ )
UNIST Computer Security Club, HeXA (2011 ~ 2014)
UNIST Mobile Smart Networking (MSN) Lab (2012 ~ 2014)
Best Of the Best (BOB) 2기 (2013 ~ 2013)
Vulnerability Reports
- 2015 Remote Code Execution on GitHub for Mac ($2,500)
- 2015 XSS on GitHub ($1,000)
- 2015 XSS on Dropbox ($1,331).
- 2014 Remote Code Execution on Dr.Soft Netclient5 Patch Management System (KISA 14-084).
- 2014 Remote Code Execution on UNIST portal web site.
- 2013 SQL Injection and Break password encryption on UNIST portal web site.
- 2013 SQL Injection on UNIST web mail.
- 2012 Remote Code Execution on UNIST attendance checking devices.
- 2014 HDCON, 5th place (Silver Prize) (CodeC) (₩2,000,000)
- 2014 Incognito CTF, 2nd place (CodeRed) (₩640,000)
- 2013 HolyShield, 1st place (CodePink) (₩1,000,000)
- 2013 Korea White hat Contest (Team) 3rd place(우수상) (HeXA) (₩8,000,000)
- 2015 Naver D2 campus seminar - 개발자가 꼭 알아야 할 보안 이야기
* If you have anything to ask, please send me an email.